The living fermented fruit for your living body®
Our bodies need to get rid of waste. Share fermented food is based on an ancient recipe from the Tang Dynasty. Passed down through generations and finally shared with the world. Over 1000 years ago, it was serving the royal families.
Official store - 100% natural products!

Your healthy Share®SwissFermented benefits!
Share®SwissFermented plum is native to Japan and southern Asia where it
prospers in the ocean climate, in a region about the size of Texas.
Plums are carefully handpicked and checked for the highest
quality. The Share®SwissFermented plums are fermented in their own juices in a
unique process for thirty months, after which they are coated
with a mixture of special natural herbs. A second fermentation
continues in the package until the fruit is consumed.
Why is Share®SwissFermented so special?

Raise your daily mood!
Stimulate the natural activity!

Rendez-vous with fermented foods
Worldwide movement for greater well-being!

100% vegan
A pure, organic premium natural product!

Well-being starts today!
New you vibe
Fermented for up to 30 months!


Official store - 100% natural products!

Fermented Original

Share®SwissFermented - Ancestral Knowlege for the people of today.
ShareOriginal®, the fermented green plum (Japanese
Apricot) is much respected in the Traditional Chinese
Medicine (TCM) for its natural health benefits. Share®SwissFermented is a
product of Switzerland.
Share®SwissFermented plum is native to Japan and southern Asia where it
prospers in the ocean climate, in a region about the size of Texas.
Plums are carefully handpicked and checked for the highest
quality. The Share®SwissFermented plums are fermented in their own juices in a
unique process for thirty months, after which they are coated
with a mixture of special natural herbs. A second fermentation
continues in the package until the fruit is consumed.

Be part of the Share®SwissFermented family
Already from the first plum you can notice how actively the digestive system reacts to it. Since every organism is different, it can have a slightly different effect on everyone.